Magnify and empower your soul’s journey during this time of planetary evolution through sacred initiation and ritual healing arts of Shamanism.

Connecting with the Wisdom of our Ancestors

Are you feeling a profound calling to understand your role as a change agent during these times of planetary shift?

Perhaps you have been wondering and questioning the larger cosmic forces shaping your life and our world?

You’re not the only one. 

Spiritual seekers around the globe are navigating this epic hero’s journey back into their sacred essence — Fortunately for us, many are finding hope, wisdom, and life changing transformation in ancient traditions that are still accessible today. The current challenge I see today is understanding and how to bring this ancient practices into your life and your communities.

During this journey in sacred community, Cristhian will share shamanic wisdom teachings, ritual arts, and guided practices that connect you with your higher identity. As you’ll discover, these doorways of healing communion with nature and all of creation can be powerful catalysts for personal and planetary renewal. You will learn to follow an accessible cosmic roadmap, cultivating your immortal soul’s spiritual growth. By following your own soul’s roadmap, you can learn to see through life, rather than merely looking at it. Each day, you’ll discover uncharted territories for the renewal of your body, mind, and spirit.


In my humble opinion, Shamanism’s practical wisdom offers us the answers we’re seeking. It illuminates the hidden automations of mind which in turn creates our universe. We can use these practices to reveal how we fit into and contribute to this larger story of awakening and returning to our Grace.

Shamanism is the inheritance from our ancient ancestors and luminous lineages of our species. It offers an earth-centered, Spirit-mediated healing path for navigating the unseen, as well as the seen, dimensions of our lives.


The practice of Shamanism is a sacred calling that stretches back to the beginning of time, empowering those who answer the calling to explore rarely accessed dimensions of mind and spirit. Furthermore, it provides a multidimensional and integrative approach, As you’ll discover, this multidimensional approach helps you identify with the most expanded view of your hear, mind and soul.


Are you ready to celebrate the embodiment of the divine agency of healing transformation and personal growth while you align with your soul’s celestial pathway?

Do you feel the call in your heart to embody the process of soul maturation and a commitment to self-transformation?

Are you feeling inspired to see  and step fully into a journey of healing and participation in the sacred dance of life?

Are You ready to find support in ritual communion with ancestral spirit helpers, totemic power animals, and Shamanic practices in order to activate your inner knowledge of the sacred directional powers for growing your soul and guide others?

If you answered Yes to any of these questions, I invite you to set a call with me to explore the Path of Service while becoming an agent of change for our planetary renewal.

NEXT SESSION: May 17-23, 2024 and August 9-15, 2024 in Temecula, CA